Free Mini Course for Women

Free Mini Course for Women

Rekindle Your Passion

The Ultimate Mini Course for Marital Bliss

Video 1: "5 Ways Childhood Trauma Impacts

Your Relationship And Business"

Rekindle Your Passion

The Ultimate Mini Course for Marital Bliss

Video 1: "5 Ways Childhood Trauma

Impacts Your Relationship"

Meet Tammy Cox, a dedicated transformational coach with a passion for helping women save their marriage. With a unique focus on inner child healing, Tammy dives deep into the root causes of the marriage breakdown, guiding her clients on a transformative journey towards rekindling the flame of love.

Tammy's own life journey was marked by significant childhood wounds, leading her to a critical crossroads where she felt she had only two choices: surrender to despair or embark on a path of healing. She chose the latter, embarking on an inspiring voyage of self-discovery that ultimately shaped her into the coach she is today.

It was this profound personal journey that fueled Tammy's determination to create the 'Reclaim Your Marriage' program, a unique approach designed to empower women to save their marriage, even when their spouses are not on board. With over 15 years of marriage and three beautiful daughters, Tammy brings a wealth of personal experience to her coaching practice, making her not only a compassionate guide but also a living testament to the potential for growth and renewal within a partnership.

Through Tammy's guidance, women can rediscover the spark in their marriage, heal from past wounds, and cultivate a lasting, fulfilling connection with their partner.

Meet Tammy Cox, a dedicated transformational coach with a passion for helping women save their marriage. With a unique focus on inner child healing, Tammy dives deep into the root causes of the marriage breakdown, guiding her clients on a transformative journey towards rekindling the flame of love.

Tammy's own life journey was marked by significant childhood wounds, leading her to a critical crossroads where she felt she had only two choices: surrender to despair or embark on a path of healing. She chose the latter, embarking on an inspiring voyage of self-discovery that ultimately shaped her into the coach she is today.

Video 2: "Be The Change In Your Marriage"

Video 2: "Be The Change In Your Marriage"

What Others Are Saying...

"Before Tammy, my failing marriage weighed heavily on my business. The constant stress and emotional strain left me unable to focus. With her support, we addressed the root causes that led to the marriage breakdown. Now, my husband and I are happier, and my business is thriving. Tammy's expertise transformed both my personal and professional life."


"Tammy had great insights in the matter of resolving decades of marital conflict. She was able to get to the crux of the pattern that we as a couple were stuck in and she has a real talent to save many marriages. Tammy taught me that I did not need to wait for my husband, I could change the dynamics of my relationship myself."


"Less than a year ago, we argued about petty things. Since then, we've prioritized connection over being 'right.' Surrendering fear and embracing vulnerability transformed our marriage. Now, our conversations are deeper, disagreements are more productive, and I feel truly understood and celebrated."


What Others Are Saying...

"Before Tammy, my failing marriage weighed heavily on my business. The constant stress and emotional strain left me unable to focus. With her support, we addressed the root causes that led to the marriage breakdown. Now, my husband and I are happier, and my business is thriving. Tammy's expertise transformed both my personal and professional life."


"Tammy had great insights in the matter of resolving decades of marital conflict. She was able to get to the crux of the pattern that we as a couple were stuck in and she has a real talent to save many marriages. Tammy taught me that I did not need to wait for my husband, I could change the dynamics of my relationship myself."


"Less than a year ago, we argued about petty things. Since then, we've prioritized connection over being 'right.' Surrendering fear and embracing vulnerability transformed our marriage. Now, our conversations are deeper, disagreements are more productive, and I feel truly understood and celebrated."


Video 3: "How To Change Your Thoughts To Get What You Want"

Video 3: "How To Change Your Thoughts To Get What You Want"

The 10 Step Process to Heal Your Marriage

Free Workshop For Women

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The 10 Step Process to Heal Your Marriage

Free Workshop For Women

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